I'm enjoying my free vacation. 9. Food is expensive. I've been eating sandwiches and other food from Angel Foods Market. (Oh my God, their Mediterranean pasta salad is an aphrodisiac.) 10. Myspace Clint is a nice fellow. ...
Phi Alpha Gamma, Dan bBernitt/b, Sawyer House * Radical Acts: Collected Political Plays, Martin Duberman, The New Press * The Second Coming of Joan of Arc, Carolyn Gage, Outskirts Press * Two Truths and a Lie, Scott Schofield, Homofactus Press ... bHotel/b Liaison, JLee Meyer, Bold Strokes Books * The Lonely Hearts Club, Radclyffe, Bold Strokes Books. GAY EROTICA. * Best Gay Erotica 2009, Richard Labonte & James Lear, Cleis Press * The Secret Tunnel, James Lear, Cleis Press ...
They wanted you to PAY for your own Christmas dinner, plus use your own bvacation/b time? Sheesh, I don't blame you for not attending. Yeah, you definitely would have gotten taken. Not to criticize your workplace, but that is really pathetic. b..../b Greetings go out to Nadja bBernitt/b, also of Sarasota (a literary hotspot!) who signed my guestbook by saying "Thanks so much for compiling such a wealth of stories. They tugged at my heart, just the thought there are so many good ...